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Embroidering a Halloween Onesie

Embroidering a Halloween Onesie


  1. Embroidering the Onesie
  2. The Final Look

1.Embroidering the Onesie

I found a simple onesie at Walmart for just five dollars. If you're looking to buy in bulk, you might find even better deals elsewhere.

For this project, I'm using aqua top topping because the onesie, being somewhat like a costume performance fabric, has a unique texture and is slightly thicker.

This will ensure our embroidery stands out beautifully.

To ensure the embroidery is neat, especially if you're embroidering intricate designs or lettering, I recommend using a sheet of cut-away stabilizer.

Given the stretchy nature of onesies, I also use adhesive spray to keep everything in place during the embroidery process.

Now, when it comes to hooping, the MaggieFrame is perfect for this kind of project.

Once you've got your onesie hooped using the HoopTalent , ensure it's correctly positioned in the machine so you don't accidentally stitch through the onesie.

Place a sheet of wash-away aqua top stabilizer above the embroidery area. This helps the stitches stand out, especially on textured fabrics.

Once everything is set, hit the start button and watch the magic happen!


2.The Final Look

Our embroidered onesie is now ready! While I'd love to model it for you, it's a tad too small for me. So, I've enlisted the help of a cute little mannequin.

This onesie, combined with a few other items, can make the ultimate cat costume bundle for Halloween.


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