Intelligente Tools für Stickereiprofis - MaggieFrame
MaggieFrame bietet Magnetrahmen für Stickmaschinen, röhrenförmige Rahmen und Rahmenstationen, die perfekt passen für: Tajima Brother Babylock Ricoma Happy Barudan SWF ZSK Melco Janome und in China hergestellt Stickmaschinen. Hoffentlich findet hier jeder die Freude am Sticken.
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Customer Review
Lerne mehr über uns
MaggieFrame ist eine Untermarke von Sew Tech, die sich seit über 15 Jahren der Stickerei- und Nähindustrie widmet.
Wir haben unseren Kunden Millionen von Stickrahmen, Garnständern und anderen Nähwerkzeugen zur Verfügung gestellt.
MaggieFrame ist bekannt für seine qualitativ hochwertigen Waren und seinen freundlichen Kundenservice und wir werden Ihren Geschäftserfolg auch weiterhin begleiten.
Customer Reviews on Facebook and Instagram
Name: Stitch it
Platform: Facebook
Country: Greece
Embroidery Machine: TAJIMA
MaggieFrame embroidery hoop with mighty force Size:5.1" x 5.1" 、10.5" x 12.4" and 7.7" x 12.4"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: as.creativ_
Platform: Instagram
Country: Germany
Embroidery Machine: Ricoma MT 1501
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 3.9" x 3.9", 5.1" x 5.1" and 9.5" x 9.5"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: barudanuk
Platform: Instagram
Country: United Kingdom
Embroidery Machine: Barudan BEK
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 10.5" x 12.4"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Platform: Facebook
Country: Poland
Embroidery Machine: Melco
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 7.7" x 12.4"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: logo2go_lk
Platform: Instagram
Country: Ireland
Embroidery Machine: SWF UK-1504
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 5.1" x 5.1"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: HappyJapan EMB "Máquinas de Bordar Happy en España"
Platform: Facebook
Country: Spain
Embroidery Machine: Happy Japan
MaggieFrame Magic Hoop Size: 8.7" x 4.9" and 5.1" x 5.2"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: editandstitch
Platform: Instagram
Country: Australia
Embroidery Machine: Brother Entrepreneur Pro X PR1050X
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 6"x 8"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: rk.threads
Platform: Instagram
Country: Australia
Embroidery Machine: Brother Entrepreneur Pro X PR1050X
MaggieFrame Magnetic Embroidery Hoop Size: 6.5" by 6.5" and 7.7" by 12.4"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: jscardo
Platform: Instagram
Country: United States
Embroidery Machine: BAI
MaggieFrame Magnetic Embroidery Hoop Size: 6.5" x 6.5" and 9.5" x 9.5"
Name: bologo45
Platform: Instagram
Country: France
Embroidery Machine: FEIYA
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 5.1" x 5.1" and 7.7" by 12.4"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: Taşay Makine
Platform: Facebook
Country: Turkey
Embroidery Machine: FORTEVER
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 5.1" x 5.1" and 3.8" x 3.8"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: fuweifrance
Platform: Instagram
Country: France
Embroidery Machine: FUWEI
MaggieFrame Hoop Size: 5.1" x 5.1"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: Marco Fergnani
Platform: Facebook
Country: Italy
Embroidery Machine: britex
MaggieFrame Embroidery Hoops Size: 5.1" x 5.1" and 7.7" x 2.8"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: Zafitex - Máquinas de coser y bordar
Platform: Facebook
Country: Spain
Embroidery Machine: MAYA
MaggieFrame Magic Hoop Size: 8.5" x 9" and 7.7" x 2.8"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: Máy Thêu Việt Hưng
Platform: Facebook
Country: Vietnam
Embroidery Machine: SINSIM
MaggieFrame Embroidery Hoops Size: 3.8" x 3.8" and 12.4" x 15.5"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: moroccanchefs
Platform: Instagram
Country: Morocco
Embroidery Machine: JINYU
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 5.1" x 5.1", 8.7" x 4.9" and 8.5" x 9"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: Embroidery.leniece
Platform: Instagram
Country: United States
Embroidery Machine: Proemb
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 5.1" x 5.1" and 8.5" x 9.0"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: lamaisonbroderie
Platform: Instagram
Country: France
Embroidery Machine: MAISON BRODERIE
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 5.1" x 5.1" and 6.9" x 6.9"
Name: barbararitornoalcucito
Platform: Instagram
Country: United States
Embroidery Machine: Tajima
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 7.7" by 12.4", 9.5" by 9.5" and 8.5" by 9"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent
Name: hoodie_hunters
Platform: Instagram
Country: Spain
Embroidery Machine: Yeshi
MaggieFrame Magnetic Hoop Size: 5.1" x 5.1" and 3.9" x 3.9"
Hooping Station: HoopTalent